Clinically Proven Medical Hypnosis Program
Enables Doctors to Improve Surgery
Patients’ Experiences and Outcomes

These Methods are Already in Use at The Mayo
Clinic, The Cleveland Clinic, and Others

“Surgeon Sees Major Improvements with Patients Using The Surgery Companion”

“The Surgery Companion has revolutionized my practice. My patients are calmer and more positive before surgery. They sleep better, experience less pain or bruising, and have faster recoveries.

“I highly recommend this program to any doctor for their patients, and to any patient having surgery.”

Bart Rademaker MD, Board Certified Plastic Surgeon
Surgery Practice Owner & Former Chief of Surgery at 3
Hospitals Tampa, Fl.

The Surgery Companion is a doctor-designed, surgeon-tested, and patient-recommended CD program that combines best practices from Medical Hypnosis & Guided Imagery — both clinically proven in over 200 studies — and other mind-body methods. The program enables your patients to have more positive surgery experiences and better outcomes.

In addition, post-surgery complications including pain, nausea, bruising, and swelling are reduced. Your patients recover faster. Patient compliance is very high, because of the program’s ease of use and the immediate benefits patients receive when listening.

The Surgery Companion was created by Dr. Olga Stevko, an internationally recognized Mind-Body Health Expert, who is also a Russian Medical Doctor with operating room training. Dr. Stevko’s methods and her Medical Hypnotherapy Private Practice have been featured on NBC, MSNBC, and Russian State TV.

Dr. Stevko developed her methods while working with over 1,000 private clients over the past 6 years, and has demonstrated consistent results. She has adapted and tested the same methods used for individual clients having surgery into a 4 CD audio program, which includes individual audio sessions for being calmer and more positive preparing for surgery, having easier and faster recovery from surgery, pain management, and relaxation techniques.

Common Pre-Surgery and Post-Surgery
Issues Challenge both Doctors and Patients:

Preparing and supporting patients for surgery can be time consuming and challenging for you and your staff. While you and your team give patients professional advice and ample information on what to expect before, during, and after surgery, there are limited programs available which fully meet the mental, physical, and emotional needs faced by many surgery patients.

Common pre-surgery issues your patients face can include:

  • Anxiety
  • Sleeplessness
  • Fear
  • Worry About Pain After Surgery
  • Concern About Recovery Time
  • Worry About Surviving Surgery
  • Increased Cortisol Levels

Increased cortisol levels can have the following documented negative impact on your patients:

  • Impaired Brain Function
  • Lower Immunity
  • Suppressed Thyroid Function
  • Compromised Adrenal Function
  • Increased Blood Pressure
  • Slower Wound Healing

Common post-surgery physical and emotional complications patients can face include:

  • Nausea and Vomiting
  • Throat Soreness
  • Incision Site Soreness
  • Swelling
  • Restlessness
  • Sleeplessness
  • Thirst
  • Constipation and Flatulence
  • Depression
  • Fear
  • Worry
  • Frustration
  • Anxiety

Any program that can target and help reduce the incidence or intensity level of pre-surgery and post surgery issues and complications can help your patients have a more positive surgery experience and faster recovery.

Fortunately, a number of mind-body methods are available that can greatly reduce both pre-surgery and post surgery issues and complications. The positive results these mind-body methods achieve are well documented.

Clinical Studies Show Mind-Body Methods Improve Results for Surgery Patients

Leading medical institutions including Harvard University, Mt. Sinai Medical Center in New York, Stanford Hospital, and The Cleveland Clinic have completed over 200 studies proving that Mind-Body methods, including Medical Hypnosis and Guided Imagery, provide powerful and measurable benefits. Average results of specific studies for those patients using Mind-Body methods compared to a control group include:

  • 79% Less Anxiety (Tusek 1997)
  • 76% Less Emotional Upset (Montgomery 2007)
  • 54% Less Pain (Montgomery 2007)
  • 74% Less Nausea After Surgery (Montgomery 2007)
  • 37% Faster Recovery Times (Disbrow 1993)
  • 82% Sleep Improvement (Tusek 1997)
  • 50% Less Anesthesia (Lang 2000)
  • 50% Less Medication (Lang 2000)

Blue Shield of California conducted similar studies in 2000-2001 and found significant benefits from mind-body programs for surgery patients, and now reimburses costs for surgery preparation mind-body programs.

Based on the overwhelmingly positive research evidence, over half of the US News & World Report’s “Top 20 Hospitals in America” now offer mind-body programs for their surgery patients, including:

  • The Mayo Clinic
  • The Cleveland Clinic
  • UCLA Medical Center
  • Stanford Hospital
  • UC San Francisco Medical Center
  • Mass General Boston

Programs at leading hospitals primarily involve individual therapy sessions, group classes/sessions or relaxation CD’s. While many of these programs are beneficial, most do not directly address the most common pre and post surgery issues identified. In addition, the programs are available only at a limited number of institutions, do not offer patient flexibility and easy compliance, and employ only a single modality of mind-body healing.

The Surgery Companion – A Better Choice for
Doctors and Patients

The Surgery Companion provides your patients with easy-to-use tools to create a more positive patient experience and better outcomes.

Complex Open Heart Surgery Patient Recovery Gets Cardiologists Interest

“I passed two blood clots into my lungs and nearly died. I am an engineer by profession, and believe in testing and measuring things to make sure they work. I had some skepticism about mind-body programs helping with my surgery, but kept an open mind.

“After listening to the program, I had no anxiety before or after my open heart surgery procedure, took no narcotic medications after day two, had minimal post surgery pain (2-3 out of 10 scale), felt very positive and good during my post surgery recovery, and left the hospital six days earlier than the twelve days my doctors told me my recovery would take.

“Other cardiologists would even visit me to ask what I was doing to get such great results. I told them it was all due to listening to The Surgery Companion. I cannot thank Dr. Stevko enough for this incredible product.”

— James McDonald, Complex Open Heart Surgery Patient & Video Testimonial

The following comments are all taken from testimonials received by surgery patients who used The Surgery Companion, and these comments have been typical for program users:

  • Being Calmer
  • Being More Positive
  • Experiencing Less Pain
  • Feeling Empowered
  • Having Less Swelling
  • Bleeding Less
  • Sleeping Better
  • Having Less Nausea
  • Healing Faster
  • Bruising Less
  • Needing Less Pain Medications
  • Having Smaller Scars
  • Feeling Constantly Supported

Patient Surprises her Surgeon with Better
Outcome and Faster Healing

“I have had this surgery once before, and the difference with The Surgery Companion is pretty phenomenal. After listening to the CD, I felt my fear went away. The first time I had surgery, my pain level was about maybe level 8 from 0 to 10. And this time, having listened to the hypnosis CD, I noticed the pain level drop down to about 4, and my recovery time was incredible. Even my surgeon could not believe my results. So if you are thinking about having surgery, I highly, highly recommend it.”

— Jehna H., Repeat Surgery & Video Testimonial

Imagine yourself in the future, saying some of these same things to friends, family and your doctors describing your surgery experiences after you listen to The Surgery Companion.

Mind-Body Programs Can Reduce
Procedure Times and Costs

Mt Sinai Medical Center published a 2007 clinical study with 200 patients having a breast biopsy procedure using medical hypnosis. In addition to significantly better patient results both pre and post surgery, they had the following findings regarding cost savings and procedure times for the medical hypnosis group:

  • ** 20% less time in the OR per procedure (43 minutes vs. 54 minutes for the control group)
  • ** 15% less time in the post operative recovery room (76 minutes vs. 89 minutes for the control group)
  • ** $773 average cost saving from reduced anesthesia, medication, labor and OR usage

A Blue Shield 2001 study showed an average reduction in medical claims of $654 for patients using mind-body programs.

“What I have noticed most is a better, smoother operative experience, with less bleeding, less anesthesia required, and the recovery time is significantly improved. I’m seeing significant reductions in anesthesia and pain medication costs, and less time per procedure in the OR, which reduces labor and rental costs.”

— Bart Rademaker, MD & Board Certified Plastic Surgeon
Tampa FL

Reduced Post Surgery Complications
Observed By Patients Using
The Surgery Companion

Patients who have used The Surgery Companion program have consistently shown a substantial reduction in post surgery complications and reduced pain, bruising, swelling and faster healing.

“After 35 Surgeries, Finally-A Program for Less Pain, Effective Healing and Faster Recovery!”

“I was struck by cars as a youth in my 20s, which led to over 35 surgeries to date for my knees. Any surgery I have ever had required heavy medication, and lots of pain relievers. Two of these surgeries were knee replacements, which did not heal well and needed complex surgery to repair them.

“The prognosis was not good for these final surgeries and there were questions about even being able to do them. After following Dr. Stevko’s surgery hypnosis program, the differences in the post operative recovery cycles were amazing. I was able to get off heavy pain relievers in two days instead of two weeks, the wound healed within a matter of 10 days instead of 25 days, and I didn’t have to use my autologous blood donation like in prior surgeries. It’s been several years now, and both knees are doing great-this program really works and I highly recommend it.”

— Mark S. Complex Reconstructive Knee Surgeries

Easy Patient Compliance

The four CD program is simple and straightforward.

  • CD 1 — Mind-Body Introduction and Techniques
  • CD 2 — Calm & Empowered Before Surgery
  • CD 3 — Rapid Surgery Recovery
  • CD 4 — Pain Release

The program is easy to use — just listen once to CD 1 Introduction and relaxation techniques, listen to CD 2 before surgery and during surgery (with surgeon and anesthesiologist permission). listen to CD 3 after surgery and CD 4 for pain management.

Most clients listen before bed and drift off into a more restful sleep. The average program length is 30 minutes, and your patients can choose either a female or male voice to listen to.

The Surgery Companion has been highly effective for patients who only listen a few times. Dr. Stevko recommends your patients begin listening daily a week prior to surgery, and ideally two weeks.

Your patients also receive a free Surgery Companion E-book with additional suggestions and tools for improving their surgery experience.

We Provide All the Patient Education and Support Your Patients and Office Staff May Need:

We have cards available to handout in your offices for patients to go online and learn about The Surgery Companion. They can watch our online video in your offices, if you have that capability, or at home. For patients not using the internet, a simple educational and instructional DVD is available Free for you to give patients.

Here is How to Begin Working With The Surgery Companion for Your Patients:

Whether you are a Surgeon, a consulting physician, primary care physician, or other specialist, we make it easy for you to offer The Surgery Companion to your patients.

The Surgery Companion comes with an unconditional lifetime guarantee. If you or your patients are unsatisfied for any reason, just return the CDs for a full refund.

The Surgery Companion 4 CD program including EBook normally retails for $97, and is currently being offered to patients now at a discounted price of $57 for CDs and $47 for an instant digital MP3 download of the 4 CD program.

Doctors have three easy options to work with us, in order to provide your patients with a more positive surgery experience, better outcomes, and a faster recovery:

  • 1) Doctor Direct Program: You can order and offer The Surgery Companion CDs at your offices for your patient’s convenience and immediate usage and compliance; online ordering is easy and takes just a few minutes. You will also receive your own affiliate link to add to your website, so you can just direct your patients to click the link for patients who choose to order CDs or MP3s online, so your account will be credited for online sales. Commissions for online sales are paid monthly.
  • The 3 program package is what most of our doctors purchase to start using The Surgery Companion with their patients, and enables you to try the program with several surgery patients and compare the results with other similar patients not using the program.
  • The 3 program starter package, regularly $291, is available now for only $90 – a savings of $201. Click here to order now:

If you are ready to start offering a greater number of your patients a more positive surgery experience and better outcomes, you can order our 12 program package, regularly $1,164, for only $360 – a savings of $804. Click here to order now:

2) Patient Direct Program: You will receive your own account code and cards to give your patients who choose to order CDs or MP3s online, so your account will be credited for online sales. Commissions for sales are paid monthly.

  • 3) Patient Referral Program: For doctors who do not want to be compensated for referring patients (or may have restrictions being compensated), you can just refer patients directly to our website to order:

The Surgery Companion is backed by our Unconditional One Year Money-Back Guarantee. So order now, give it a try, and if for any reason you or your patients are not completely satisfied with your purchase, just return the CDs for a full and prompt refund. What could be fairer than that?

Just click here to order now:

Or call Mitchell Stevko at (415) 710-8489 today.

P.S. You only have so much time to spend with each patient. With The Surgery Companion Program, you are giving them an easy to use, doctor tested and recommended set of tools which can support your patients 24 hours a day and improve the quality their surgery experience and recovery process. It only makes sense to try The Surgery Companion now.

P.S.S. If you are a surgeon or doctor with an active surgery practice who has not decided to order yet, and you have patients who could benefit from The Surgery Companion, please call Mitchell Stevko to find out about a free demo of The Surgery Companion , at
(415) 710-8489.

“Methods proven in over 200 clinical studies published in these peer reviewed Medical journals, including:”

  • AMA
  • The Lancet
  • The New England Journal of Medicine
  • Western Journal of Medicine
  • Journal of the National Cancer Institute
  • The British Medical Journal
  • Mayo Clinic Proceedings
  • American Journal of Psychiatry
  • Gastroenterology
  • The Journal of Pain


"Surgery Friday-Back in Class Monday: Faster Healing, Less Meds, Minimal Scarring"

"I had foot surgery done on my right foot on a Friday and by Monday morning I was actually back in class, and the pain was really so much less than the doctor thought. I was off meds almost within 5 days.

In fact, the doctor was really surprised, and my foot healed really well. So, the scar on the foot, he can hardly tell, he said: this is one of the most amazing scars that I have seen on a foot.

So it was really great and effective to use the CD."

— Kurt W., Foot Surgery