Contact Us
The Surgery Companion works with individuals having surgery around the world, and also with doctors and their patients. Our corporate headquarters are located in San Francisco, CA (Pacific Coast Time)
For Individual Clients Who Are Having Surgery:
Please check our customer service section, which provides answers to many of your questions. Information on returns is also available in this section.
Please feel free to email us at:
Our corporate mailing address is:
The Surgery Companion
2269 Chestnut Street, #635
San Francisco, CA 94123
All of our ordering services for individual customers are currently online, and we are not able to accept offer phone or mail orders.
For Doctors:
For Inquiries Regarding Offering The Surgery Companion Program to Your Patients or Supporting Your Existing Program:
Contact Doctor Sales:
Contact Doctor Support:
Corporate Mailing Address for Doctors:
The Surgery Companion
2269 Chestnut Street, #635
San Francisco, CA 94123